A fun day at the Old Greenwich Farmers Market

While the bosses were busy in High School, I was hired to run the Old Greenwich Farmers Market booth, and I mean RUN. While Ayana was busy in physics class learning about thermodynamics, I was busy in real life learning about entropy! 

Here are some highlights from the day.

the display3duxdesign display

The play stations after one hour3duxdesign play stations

the skyscraper (ducky feeling pretty good just about now)

the skyscraper architecture set by 3duxdesign

the "stroller situation"

3duxdesign mascot


one little girl made a duck with hair and fancy tail. It was love at first site for this lucky duck!

 3duxdesign architecture model kits with recycled cardboard making characters for imaginative and creative play


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stem with friends remote playdates

3DuxDesign wants to help keep kids connected. let us host a STEM With Friends Remote Playdate. Send each friend a kit and we will schedule a free design/build activity for you  and 5-10 of your besties  

Contact marci@3duxdesign.com for details

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