
The Alphabet City Lesson Plan  - was created in collaboration with Bob Claymier and adapted from the Virginia Children’s Engineering Council 

-Based on the book, Albert’s Alphabet, by Leslie Tryon 

In the book Albert’s Alphabet, Albert designs and builds all the letters of the alphabet, using tools and scraps. A playground and path are then lined with the letters.

Your Design Challenge: 

•Build a letter of the alphabet out of cardboard pieces that willstand by itself. 

•Decorate your letter by drawing pictures of things  that start with your letter. 

•Be ready to present your work to  the class. 


• 3DuxDesign geometric cardboard forms plus extra cardboard cut into 1”strips 

• 3DuxDesign connectors 

• scissors/cutting tools 

 • writing and drawing tools 

 • straight edge 

 •camera for sharing your work on 3DuxUniversity

gobox • classroom kit



The letter must be freestanding.  

It must be made from materials found in the classroom. 

printable pages

Drag images onto your desktop screen to print. 

*This material is copyright protected and not for distribution or resale

rubric and standards


email material to 

 1. must include at least 5 photos, including photos of sketches, brainstorming list, WIP, final project 

 2. written description or drawings 

 3. may include video presentation with link to youtube or vimeo content - 

 4. share your post on Facebook and/or instagram with tags @3duxdesign and @billionboxproject @3duxuniversity for eligibility to win products, prizes and more 

* no photo with child's face or identifying information will be posted

featured alphabet city results

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stem with friends remote playdates

3DuxDesign wants to help keep kids connected. let us host a STEM With Friends Remote Playdate. Send each friend a kit and we will schedule a free design/build activity for you  and 5-10 of your besties  

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